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boundary of stability中文是什么意思

用"boundary of stability"造句"boundary of stability"怎么读"boundary of stability" in a sentence


  • 稳定性边界, 稳定性界限


  • We also apply lyapunov function to evaluate the attraction region of stable fixed point which corresponds to running region of the power system , we give the boundary of stability region by means of article [ 8 ] , finally , the numerical simulate results verify the theoretical analysis
    本文还用lyapunov函数对稳定域进行了估计,给出稳定平衡点的吸引域,这相当于电力系统的稳定运行区域。并且用文[ 8 ]提供的方法,给出稳定区域的边界。最后,本文用仿真算例验证说明理论分析结果。
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